
Monday, September 24, 2012


I'm a little late getting this post up but it's been a loooong weekend you guys.  I wanted to share a few pics of our booth on Saturday at our small town festival.  The day was beautiful and there were over 90 booths, it just keeps growing each year.

We had a great time, met lots of new people, sold some signs, took quite a few custom orders & got invited to several upcoming junk shows in our local area.  It's always exciting to hear about new shows popping up locally but they are so much work!  

Here's a few pictures of some items in our booth...

One friend we made was so cute we wanted to keep him!

But his momma wanted him back!  Go figure!!  In the next few posts I'll be sharing before & afters of a couple of the furniture pieces we took to the show so be sure and check back on Friday and a giveaway will also be showing up soon!  

Happy Monday y'all!

PS: If you aren't already then I'd love to have you follow along...


  1. Wow, what fun treasures. I know I would have been drawn to your booth. Hope you had an excellent sale day!

  2. Always inspired to see what you have done. Maybe I'll pick up a piece of wood and paint a sign.


  3. I so wish I could have been at the show! I'm thinking the weather was nice, too. (It's still 90 degrees here!) Your booth looks great.


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