
Monday, October 15, 2012


First of all, I just want to say "thanks so much" to all of you out there who are faithful readers of my blog.  It means so much that you take the time out of your day to stop by, see what our family has been up and to say, "Hi!"

Secondly, I know its way early to talk about Christmas but I think you'll be glad I did! Or at least I hope you will.{wink!}

Many of you know that I work full time at our church and have three kids running in every different direction, a firefighter hubby who is gone every third day for 24 hours plus a little hobby turned small business so most of the time blogging takes a backseat!

I have like a ka-zillion projects lined up but those can really only be tackled on the weekends so it really takes a while to complete them, edit pictures and blog about it.  BUT we're working on some new house things that I will be sharing soon!

In the mean time, Christmas is right around the corner and I wanted to give our small business a little shout out here, hope you don't mind!

I'll be blogging about the makeover of that sweet little red cabinet up there on Friday so come on back to see the ridiculous transformation.  My husband has really stepped us his game lately! 

Mango Seed Market is what I do to supplement our income these days.  I work a real job because it pays the bills...  I paint because I love it, its therapeutic and it relaxes me after a crazy day.

With Christmas fast approaching I wanted to share a few pictures of what we do & what seems to be our best sellers.  Seems these days we all want to give something with meaning, something homemade & something affordable.  We feel all of our items fit that bill.

There are always a few on everyone's Christmas list that are just plain hard to shop for.  Hopefully, one of our signs might do the trick!

You can never go wrong with a Family Name Sign.  You can find them all over Etsy, but I haven't see one like ours yet!

These are great on a porch or mixed in with a picture wall.  You can choose your background color, but the font will be white.
They are hand painted on pine {1x8}, length varies depending on last name to be painted, distressed/sealed and come ready to hang.

If your taste is more rustic, we also have a version to fit that bill as well and is the same price as the sign above.

This next sign has been really popular locally...

Because of our Etsy shop we've been pretty busy shipping our Pallet Welcome signs.  We have two sizes and the Welcome font can be changed to fit your style.

We've been blown away by the love that's been given to this large size on Pinterest, over 64K pins!  Holy Moly!

 I have the large version hanging on my front porch and it's been there 2 years now.  All I do each spring is re-seal it with polycrylic. We are also in the process of creating a white washed one in both sizes.  We will update the shop page once its complete.  

These last two styles can be customized with your last name and a special year.

If you wanted you could replace MOOSE with your last name and change the date to your wedding date.

If you wanted you could change STOCK to your last name and the year to a special year to you.  Plus, you can change the state to reflect your state.

The sizes are approximately 24x44 and the cost is $69 plus $30 shipping {US Only}

Please keep in mind that all sizes are approximate.  No two signs will be ever be exactly the same because they are individually cut,distressed & painted once your order has been placed.

These are just a few of the signs that we paint.  I haven't even found the time yet to update our site with new designs, but I will soon!

Wouldn't these make wonderful Christmas gifts?  I can also ship directly to your recipient if you would like!  

Thanks so much for stopping by!


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