
Monday, November 5, 2012


This post is a follow up to a post I wrote a couple weeks back when the guys flew to the KU game in Norman.  You can read about that post here.

This post is for them, to share their pictures from the air and a few from the game.  

I used to be a flight attendant years ago so I love to fly.  However, just to be honest I did pray for them the entire 50 minute flight. Ha!

The weather was gorgeous for the game, plus the SOONERS won so it was a great day for them.

They had a good tail wind coming home so what would've taken three hours in a car took 40 minutes by plane.  Although, once they got back the small airport in town didn't have the runway lights on so they wound up flying to a nearby town to land.  They did wind up driving afterall, but it was only 20 minutes.  I don't think they minded!

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