
Sunday, November 4, 2012


Three Mango Seeds

There were some really great links last week!  Thank you all for sharing your great projects with us.  I'm a little bummed to say that my favorite projects that I really wanted to feature didn't have a link back to my blog. 
I'm learning that its all about SEO.  All I know is that I don't want Google to zap me with their SEO lightening bolt!  And according to a blogger friend {who is teaching me lots by the way} it could happen people, so would you pretty, pretty please just link back?  Plus, the traffic it sends your way isn't too shabby either.

To link back all you have to do is add the html code in the box above to the end of your post or you can just add this link, THREE MANGO SEEDS

So just to be sure we understand each other, to be featured next Sunday you must include the above party button OR a permalink back to my place, THREE MANGO SEEDS.  Need help?  Send me a comment -- I'd love to show you how.

Another nifty bonus is that there are 4 others hosting this party as well.  Soooo, when you link up to one of us then it shows on all of our blogs.  Moocho EXPOSURE for your project!  By adding all five or our permalinks to the bottom of your post increases your odds of being featured by all of us!  Neat-O!

Would you like to visit the other co-hosts?  I knew you did!  Here's the links to their blogs!

Blogging is really about encouraging each other, learning from each other and helping each other out along the way.  Please leave comments, mingle & make new friends.  Don't be a runaway linker.

Posting to my party means you are giving me the right to post your project and photos as well as promote on social media.  I will always give you the credit for your work.  Thanks for linking up!


  1. thanks for hosting Clydia!! I am anxious to see all the fabulous links :)

    Blessings - Sara

  2. Hi, Clydia! So glad I'm able to party with you this week! Thank you!

  3. Thank you for hosting , ao many sites to go visit!
    Jan @ The Pink Geranium


I love getting comments, they make my day and I read each one! So, thank you very much for taking the time to leave one!