
Friday, November 30, 2012


When people go out of their way for anyone in my family it makes me feel appreciative for their generosity & thoughtfulness.  In our busy lives it's easy to overlook the little things.  I've been really trying lately to slow down and let friends know how much they mean and even though we don't talk everyday that they are still special to us.

The two families that I made these signs for are Oklahoma football fanatics just like we are so I just thought these fit!

I haven't ever made signs like these before so I created this style just for them.  I left one at church and tried to leave the other on the doorstep, but their dogs scared me! Ha!  So it got left at the office instead.  Hope these make them feel as special as they made us feel!

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy,
they are the charming gardners who make
our souls blossom.       Marsel Proust.

Also, don’t miss a single post – it’s easy to stay in touch!


  1. Love these! I'm sure they will too. Great gift!

  2. Clydia, what a thoughtful gift! I know they will love them!!! You're so talented.

  3. Super Cute! and I am 100% positive your friends will love them! You are great at making your friends feel the love...Ally's sign still makes me smile each time I see it!


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