
Sunday, December 2, 2012


I've worked so much this weekend that I can't believe Sunday is already here!  I love the fact that our sign business has been busy but this Christmas season is kickin' my rear end! Ha!

Plus Sunday means, IT'S PARTY TIME AGAIN!  

There are four of us now that host this party every.single.Sunday so bookmark us & come party!  The only thing we ask is to pretty please add a permalink back in your post that you link up.
**If you aren't sure what this means, email me -- I'd love to help!**

No permalink = no feature.

Now, on to the FEATURE!  This was one of my favorites from last week's party.
These buffet lamps from Create Inspire are so lovely.  I want them!
Three Mango Seeds

Honestly, there were several more that I just loved and would have featured so please be sure to add a permalink in your post.  Just a tip, but regardless of which one of our blogs you link up at just add all of our permalinks and that boosts your chances of getting featured by ALL OF US!  

I really love going through all of the links and I do go through them all.  I'm sorry I don't have to time to comment on each one but just now how I much I appreciate you all sharing your creativity here!



  1. Thank you so much for featuring my buffet lamps Clydia! Hope you have a fabulous week!

  2. Clydia, what a lovely feature! Thanks so much for hosting.

  3. Thank you for hosting this party!
    I have decided to link up our traditional table cener piece in Croatia – Advent Corolla. It has 4 candles – symbols for 4 Sundays prior to Christmas. At every Sunday dinner, family lights up candles; this Sunday we will light first candle, next Sunday two etc… These candles are put out not by blowing but with piece of bread dipped in wine, usually done by the youngest in the house.
    I also link traditional Nativity scene placed under the Christmas tree. It is assembled at Christmas Eve by whole family. The figures of Three Wise Men travel slowely toward Jesus' crib untill Epiphany (Jan. 6th) when they meet Jesus.
    I hope you will like it!


I love getting comments, they make my day and I read each one! So, thank you very much for taking the time to leave one!