
Friday, September 30, 2011

 I found this beauty at our local auction.  I stayed till the bitter end waiting for this piece to come up and luckily for me the place had almost cleared out.  I really wish I had taken a picture before I wiped it down and started stripping the top.  

It was bad!  The drawers were literally stuck because of all the goo.  This didn't really matter to me because I already knew I was gonna do away with them all together.

It literally took me three days to strip down the top down to this and I still couldn't get all the 101 layers of nasty black paint off!  (update:  found a new product called Citristrip for stripping -- its awesome!)

All ready looking better.  I painted the whole thing an off white. Built shelves where the drawers went.

Found a graphic from the Graphic's Fairy blog and transferred it to the top, filled it in with black paint then heavily distressed the entire piece and finally finished it off with a good sealer.  Here is what I ended up with...

If you like the transformation then we'd love for you to PIN IT!  Thanks!

{A BIG thank you to the Graphics Fairy for all the wonderful graphics on her site} 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. gorgeous! how do you get your graphic that large? my printer won't do anything like that.

  2. if you get too comments sorry, blogger i think ate my first one. this piece is gorgeous. how do you get your graphics that large? thanks!

  3. very pretty you did a wonderful jobs and i love the wicker and the design on top. beautiful!

  4. Wow Clydia what a fabulous job you did. I know it was a lot of hard work but your really did an amazing job. Thanks for sharing!

    Paula, your newest follower

  5. Hi Clydia,

    Thank you for visiting today! I'm happy to be following you too! What a great makeover on that dresser...I have always wanted to add shelves like that too! They look great! Very nice!
    Have a great weekend...
    All the Best,

  6. Okay, that is super fantastic! I love her curves and you did such a great job making her pretty! Found you via Sisters of the Wild West. Toodles, Kathryn

  7. Gorgeous piece, and I love the graphic!

  8. I came over from GF, what a great job. You had an eye for what this ugly duckling could be....It's transformation is breath taking!


  9. I just love this piece! I recently found a dresser that is missing a drawer and I think making a shelf out of it is the perfect solution! :)

  10. You ROCKED that dresser!! Congrats on the adventure and "going out on a limb". You might wanna pick up your buddy who nudged you to try, a nice hot mocha as a thank you.

    Yeah, Karen at GF rocks ALL of our socks off!

    Visiting from GraphicsFairy's BRAG MONDAY linky party,
    ~Suzanne in NW Illinois

  11. looks fabulous.
    I am sure you hated to part with it.
    When I saw the first picture, I have to admit,
    I thought what is she going to do with that.
    You worked wonders. I really love the look of the baskets.

  12. WOW! It's gorgeous! You did an amazing job, Clydia!

  13. LOVE it! I have a piece in my garage that's been taking up prime real estate for about 2 months now that I want to turn into a t.v. stand. What I need to know is HOW do I make shelves where the drawers used to be? Can you share how this is done, what type of material you used, etc? Thank you!! Did I mention that I LOVE this piece?

  14. Awesome job! Getting ready to shout this out on my Facebook! Such great use of a worn out piece! Now it looks loved! Love, Me

  15. Ahhhmmmazing. I love this so much. Great job.

  16. WOW!! It's gorgeous now! You've got a great eye! I love the shape and the open shelves look fantastic!
    p.s. I found from Today's Creative're featured :)

  17. That turned out BEAUTIFUL! I have a couple questions about how you installed shelves in place of the drawers and how YOU transfer images onto the wood ... if you'd please please please email me I'd love it!

    Pamela @

  18. I can't believe the "after!" wow. Great transformation. I want to one day set up at events/shows. They seem so fun!

  19. I. Love. This. You did a wonderful job!! This is beautiful. New follower!!

    Would love it if you would stop by and share this at my linky party!

    Have a great day!!

  20. I love it!!! I love the graphics as well! I'm now a follower.

  21. I love it!!!!! I am following you! I can't wait to see what you do next!

  22. What a lovely piece. You did a tremendous job restoring it. I love the baskets. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I will be following you.

  23. This came out great ... love the baskets! I'm your newest follower ... stop by my blog if you have a chance :)

  24. Wow that is an amazing transformation! It's awesome!

  25. You were featured on MommaHensCoop this week :)

  26. I gotta say I don't know if I'd have seen this piece's potential, but you turned awful into awesome! Kudos!!

  27. I love this! Great job, that graphic is perfect!

  28. I too would be very interested in hearing how you got the graphic so large and how you transfered it. Maybe a tutorial is in order for us newbies?? LOL, it looks fantastic and I am jealous of it's new owner!

  29. I am in love with the white cabinet. I would beg to purchase it if you were here in Spring, Texas.

    Hugs, Jan

  30. I love everything about this piece! You chose the perfect graphic. Would love to know the technique you used for transferring it.

  31. What an awesome job. Kudos to you for seeing the potential in the piece. I too would like to know how you got the graphic that big and how you transferred it to the wood.

  32. Gorgeous!!! I love the shelves with the baskets on them.

  33. Hello, FABULOUS!!!! So gorgeous! I'd love love LOVE for you to share this over at Trash 2 Treasure Tuesdays on the Korner!

  34. oh my gosh! I just came over via GF, I just had to tell you how stunning I think this turned out! t. xoxoxo

  35. WONDERFUL job, Clydia!!!! You rocked that piece! I'd love to know how you got the graphic large enough to cover the top, too. Hope you had a successful day at the show! :)

    xoxo laurie

  36. Great Job this is SO darling loved it the moment I saw it. Thanks for sharing I am a new follower.

  37. Saw your creative and lovely dresser via the Graphics Fairy! I love it! One of these days I will have to learn how to transfer typography to a large furniture item.

    BTW, how did you enlarge the graphic! Thank you.

  38. This restored piece is seriously rockin' fabulous!!! I am so impressed!! :)

  39. What a great job you did restoring that piece. I would not have wanted to give it up for sure. How did you transfer the words? Love it!

  40. I LOVE this! It always amazes me how people can have the vision to see something great out of, well... less than great. Very inspirational. Thanks for sharing. -Aimee (

  41. Wow - amazing piece you've created...I'm in love with how it turned out! Hoping you are having an amazing first week of the new year! xoxo, tracie

  42. Absolutely love it! Great job ~ thanks for sharing! ~ Judy

  43. Fantastico!! me ha gustado mucho tus tutoriales excelente.
    Besos desde España.

  44. OH what a fabulous piece - I never saw this post before. LOVE that makeover!!! I want it... :)

  45. Can you tell me how you transfered the graphics onto the dresser??? It's done so nicely...

    Great piece! I want one just like this for my TV!



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